Red’s More Structures Data Pack adds new structures to Minecraft Java Edition 1.19, making the world a more exciting place with new structures to explore. All structures contain loot, and some you can also encounter enemies. In this first version, Red’s More Structures Data Pack is still in testing, since these structures can generate very close or far from each other.
Beach House
Will spawn on beaches and stone beaches. A small house that has a bed and loot.

Abandoned House
A big house, but destroyed. Inside you’ll find a bed, some chests, and barrels containing loot. If you like, you can renovate and live.

Mini Buddha 1
Small Buddha statue that will spawn in almost all biomes. It has a chest with loot.

Mini Buddha 2
Another small Buddha statue that will also spawn in mountain biomes, and a chest with loot.

Oracle of the Plain
It will spawn in the plains biome and has a Class B loot barrel.

Ice Oracle
Will spawn in snow biomes, containing a chest with Class B loot.

Flower Oracle
Will spawn in Meadow, Sunflower Plain, and FlowerForest biomes. It has a Class B loot barrel.

Dark Tower
Large tower with various types of loot. However, you will be able to find Witches, Vindicators, and Pillagers in the place.

Great Pyramid
Will spawn in the desert. Pyramid larger than the game’s standard. Inside you should find some barrels with class C loot, tombs that when you open you can find chests with class B loot, and even a chest with class A loot. It can generate covered by sand. Making it difficult to find the loot.

Desert Sphinx

Great Buddha

Jungle Pyramid.
Will spawn in Jungles. Pyramid larger than the game’s standard. Inside you should find some barrels with class C loot, tombs that when you open you can find chests with class B loot, and 2 chests with class A loot.

Update v1.0.1
- Added Desert Sphinx
- Added Great Buddha in Mountain Biomes
- Removed some unnecessary blocks like spawns, and skulls
- Decreasing the generation of structures, making them more distant
Update v1.0.2
- Improved distribution for Dark tower
- Improved distribution for Tower
- Improved distribution for House
- Improved distribution for Snow Oracle
- Improved distribution to avoid spawning two structures in the same location
- Tower and Darktower spawn in Snowy Taiga
- BeachHouse spawns in Snowy Beach
- Compatible with Minecraft 1.19.1
Update v1.0.3
- Added more mobs in structures like pyramids
- Added spawner in Dark Tower, and pyramids
- Decreased frequency in generating structures
- Improved Loot Table, removing some items and leaving less OP
- Compatible with Minecraft 1.19.2
Update v1.0.4

- Improved distribution of structures
- New structure – deforestation pillager for forest
- New structure – deforestation pillager for birch forest
- New structure – deforestation pillager for jungle
- New structure – deforestation pillager for taiga
- New structure for Swamp
- New structure for Mangrove Swamp
Update v1.0.5

- Replacement of Buddha statues by statues not related to religion
- Improved Abandoned House
- Add stray to snow oracle
- Added witches in flower oracle
- Removed mat on swamp structures that prevented mobs from walking
- Added bed in the 4 clearing structures
- Added Great Statue of Herobrine structure
- Added Great Oracle structure
- Added Patheon structure in the desert
- Added hay bale block on the tower allowing to jump on it to go down
- Decreased honey and gunpowder from loot
- Improved distribution of two structures for swamp and mangrove swamp
- Changed structure names for better fetching and better compatibility with mods looking for structures
- Removed several skeleton heads from both pyramids (desert and jungle)
Update v1.0.6
The tower structure was removed. It is likely that this data pack will now have better compatibility with other data packs or mods that generate tower structures.
Update v1.0.7
- Update to Minecraft 1.19.4
- Creating Common Spawn Rate and Rare Spawn Rate packs
Update v1.0.8
Update v1.0.9
- Update to Minecraft 1.20.4
My paper 1.19.4 server crashed when some of the structures were loading in
Hello, sorry for the delay. I did some tests using Paper and had no problems. Are you using any other structure’s data pack? If you are using other data packs, tell me what they are so I can test them too.