AI and Animation Addon for Minecraft Bedrock in this first version modifies some mobs settings and improves some animations. Goat, Wolf, Fox, Cat, Pig, Horse, Villager, Rabbit, Iron Golem, Axolotl, Sheep, Cow.
Update v 1.0.1
- improved cow walking and running
- improved running pig
- improved sheep running
- improved running wolf
- improved fox running
- improved running horse
- improved villagers without moving, walking, and running
- iron golem animation, without moving, walking, and running
- zombie animation without moving and walking
- baby zombie animation
- vindicator animation without moving and running
- running pillager animation
Update v 1.0.2
Red Animation
Separate pack only with a resource pack. (achievement-friendly). No AI.
- Villager animation is under test. Unlike the pack with ai, it only runs in the rain and when it’s running away from someone.
- Horse running animation is under a test. I still have to adjust according to the horse’s speed.
Modifications for the two packages (ai animation and red animation).
- Modifications in the zombie position to avoid bugs with armor.
- Zombie villager animation is like the zombie.
- Husk animation is like the zombie.
- Improved vindicator arms, and leans less when attacking.
- Small improvements in running fox.
- Small animation when the wolf jumps or drops a block.
- Wolf when seated varies with 2 more lying positions every 20 seconds.
- Spider animation stopped, walking and attacking.
- Walking chicken animation.
Update v 1.0.3
Updated complete pack Behavior(AI) and Animation v1.0.3 and Red Animation v1.0.3 (Animation only).
- Compatibility with newer versions of Minecraft 1.19.
- Improved villagers animation
- Fixed bug in zombie’s arm. New walking and attacking animation.
- Fixed Cave Spider bug.
- Improved Fox animation – sitting, walking, and running
- Improved running Wolf animation. (Behavior) Wolf follows the owner with greater speed.
- Improved Horse running animation. (Behavior) The saddled horse, now stands where you leave it.
- Improved Pillager animation. Walking, running, reloading, and shooting.
- Improved Vindicator animation. Walking, running, and attacking.
- Improved Iron Golem is running and attacking animation.
- Added animation for Ravager. Standing, walking, running, attacking, and stunned.
Demo Video Update v1.0.3
Update v 1.0.4
Updated complete pack Behavior(AI) and Animation v1.0.4 and Red Animation v1.0.4 (Animation only).
- Minecraft 1.20.40 Compatibility
- Chicken:
- Added idle animation.
- Adjustments and Improvements:
- Cat:
- Improved running and jumping.
- The cat can now lie down in the behavior pack.
- Wolf:
- Improved running and walking.
- Enhanced sitting variations.
- Iron Golem:
- Improved idle pose.
- Variation in attack.
- Pig:
- Idle animation added.
- Improved running.
- Fox:
- Improved running, walking, and jumping.
- Horse:
- Improved jumping.
- Mule and Donkey:
- Running animations added.
- Villager:
- Improved running.
- Now has three different sleeping positions.
- Cow:
- Improved walking, running, and idle animation.
- Bug Fixes:
- Zombie:
- Attack fixed.
- Improved baby zombie’s running.
- Download the mcaddon file.
- Double-click to install in your Minecraft.
- Create a new world and in the addon options, find the AI and Animations Behavior Pack.
- AI and Animations Resouce Pack will be installed automatically.
- You don’t need to enable any experimental options.
- Start your world.
If you have difficulties installing it on your smartphone, it is recommended to use the file manager fx file explorer.
This app recognizes mcaddon files to be opened in Minecraft

Addon AI and Animations for Minecraft Bedrock Article
Download Addon AI and Animations (Full Addon)
*Complete package with animations and changes in mob behaviors.
Alternative Link Media Fire
Download Addon AI and Animations (Full Addon)
Download Addon Red Animations (Only Resource Pack)
*Alternative package without changes to mob behaviors.
Download “Red Animations” Red_Animations_v1.0.4.mcpack – Downloaded 40236 times – 136.65 KBAlternative Link Media Fire
Download Addon Red Animations (Only Resource Pack)
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AI and Animation Addon modifies some mobs settings and improves some animations. Goat, Wolf, Fox, Cat, Pig, Horse, Villager, Rabbit, Iron Golem, Axolotl, Sheep, Cow.
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